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Content and SEO: Creating a Link- Worthy Content

You already know this before. Quality content equals more links, more shares, more traffic and eventually more money to your site. In fact, Andrey Lipattsev, Google Search Quality Senior Strategist stated that Google’s two top ranking factors are content and links. But what makes a content linkable? Well it works like this. First you must …


Instagram’s direct-response ads not yet a hit to advertisers

A year ago, Instagram launched its direct-response advertising business with the cooperation of its parent company, Facebook. This type of advertising was launched to attract marketers who intend not just to place their ads on social media but to encourage their users to act on these ads, click on them, install an app or visit …


3 Easy Ways to Engage Millennials

To capture the millennial market today, brands are venturing into digital content production doing their best to craft content that would resonate to the said target market. In fact, a record breaking £5.2 billion of investment on content marketing was invested by UK brands last year according to Enders Analysis. Here we compiled three key …