10 Sure-Fire Tips to Increase Web Traffic: Your Ultimate Weekly Guide


This week, we want you to learn more strategies to increase web traffic to your site. You can start with…

1. Retargeting Ads
Try checking out sites like Hubspot to learn about retargeting. A “retargeting pixel” in platforms such as Google, Facebook and Twitter will send people back to your site after they’ve already visited . Since they already recognize your brand, it is easier for you to gain clicks from them than endorse on new people.

2. Bing Ads
Sites like Bing has lower demand compared to Google, but many users still prefer using it and here you can take advantage of competing for keywords at a lower price. Although you expect for a lesser traffic in this site, Bing ads could be a good place to start specially if you can’t afford traffic from Google yet.

3. Google Display Ads
Get inexpensive traffic from other people’s content by using Display Ads. These ads lets you target products or services to people who are reading relevant content from other people’s site. Just make sure to have a niche that is unique to win over competition.

4. Optimize Your Content for Rankings
Rank your content on Google then start putting your plans into action. Use SEO to level up your rankings and get more readership and traffic. Start by checking out sites like Backlinko to learn more about it.

5. Get Guest Posts from Authors with High Search Volume
Rank for searches linked to popular writers in Google by inviting them to write a guest post on your site. This is a win-win situation since they’ll get exposed to a new audience, you’ll get easy and quality content, plus the ranking that you wanted.

6. Do a List Swap
Swap email lists with people whose email lists around the same size as yours and email out content to drive traffic to each others websites. This is an effective way to increase site traffic from people interested in the same content.

7. Make a browser extension
Get more attention and increase your reader’s retention by making a browser extension that helps them use your product and services easier and has a quick access to when they are checking other sites. Start by finding someone to help on developing these sites like UpWork and Freelancer.

8. Add Your Articles as Wikipedia References
Send some traffic from popular sites like Wikipedia by finding articles about topics that you’re written about, contributed in writing or have content around, and then suggest that parts of pages be linked back to your site as a reference.

9. Syndicate Your Content to Other Sites
Republish your content to audiences in other aggregator sites and include links to your other articles in the post. This is a good way to increase SEO rankings and get in front of a new audience.

10. Run a Free Promo on a Deals Site
If you have a quality product and a salable one, you can get it promoted to hundreds of thousands of people by emailing companies like AppSumo about your product and suggest to do a deal for their audience.