Bite-Size Videos Make More Profit


Are you tired of seeing long-length videos that take so much of your time? Well, you don’t have to spend that much time to get information. You don’t even have to cut it at mid-time because more companies are implementing the short-length video.

One major PC brand, Lenovo has just realized this video advertising technique and is in fact, making profit from it. Ad Age reveals that this video is Lenovo’s second lead generator of conversions. It follows after ebooks, with both turning into profit.

Michael Ballard who is the Senior Manager of digital marketing at Lenovo said, “We used to do long, five- to eight-minute videos that were basically product tours. Our mindset was, ‘Everyone wants to hear about our products,’ but that was not really the case.”

“Our goal has been to create shorter, snackable content and have video placed throughout the funnel, not just at the top of the funnel,” he added.

Their new videos are most probably planned and executed by ad agencies or in-house creatives, which tend to be more quicker to make.

“In some cases, we’ll have different types of videos throughout an entire campaign, and in others we have a video we’ll use at just one stage of the buyer’s journey. Our overall goal for the next six to 12 months is to have videos at every stage of the buyer’s journey for every campaign,” Ballard said.

The use of short-length videos has definitely gone a long way. Lenovo has accomplished a 96% watch rate for its “Users Happen” video, which means the average user watched 96% of the video. Watch it here.

According to Ballard, these three elements make up a good bite-size video:

  1. Avoid talking about yourself because people do not care. “They care about their pain and how you are addressing it,” Ballard said.
  2. Inject humor into your video because it is a very powerfull tool. “Throw in some fun every once in a while. Everyone loves comedy.”
  3. Produce content for the buyer’s journey. “When we create campaigns, we make sure we have a content component for the entire buyer’s journey, from getting someone’s attention to providing a very specific solution”