10 Sure-Fire Tips to Increase Your Web Traffic: Your Ultimate Weekly Guide


Customers are the lifeblood for any business whether online or not. Apart from just gaining online users there is no denying that huge web traffic is much needed to monetize one’s site. In today’s post, we’re going to reveal 10 sure-fire tips to increase your web traffic. Let’s start with…


 1.Post in Niche Forums

Niche forums such as big chat platforms like Google, Facebook, and Slack, could help you increase your web traffic by posting on specific topics related to your site or industry. Most importantly, you have to gain integrity and build the trust of the community by being an active contributing member so that members will be interested to read your stuff too.


2.Alert Blogs / Publications

Step up your game and let blogs and publications feature your new product or stories. The trick here is to learn how to pitch to get writers convinced.


3.Post on Quora in Relevant Subjects

Create a Quora profile with a link back to your page or to relevant articles. By posting answers to random questions that people have, you give value by helping them solve and answer their problems and most likely, they will be interested to visit your site.


4.Create a Facebook Page

This one is not new. But by creating a “brand” Facebook page that links to your site and that shares your new articles, you could expect more people to get engaged in your site through easy information dissemination.


5.Start a Podcast

Think of influential people that you’d want to interview and invite them to be guests on your podcast show. You might be surprised but these will open doors for more opportunities to get exposed to their audience and grow your followers as well.


6.Appear on a Podcast

Appearing on a niche podcast related to what you’re working on is very useful to score bigger and bigger interviews and move up through the podcast ranks! Just be sure you get the most out of the exposure by ensuring that there’s a mention of your site and business somewhere in the interview, and that they mention it again at the end if possible.


7.Post Videos to YouTube

Videos can be an excellent way to add to your content. You can create videos to showcase new products, or of how to do something that you are sure your audience is interested in. To be more effective, you can try posting different videos and assess what people like with most.


8.Link from Your Vine Profile

Make it easy for people to know more about you and your product by creating a link to your site from your Vine profile.


9.Post Video Snippets or GIFs to Vine

Post snippets of your content to Vine if you’re using YouTube or Periscope as a channel. This way you can call users to action to learn more on your site at the end. If the videos are of great quality and are interesting, it will surely get shared, and by that you’ll get a new source of traffic to your site.


10.Share Articles to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn

This one’s obvious and not new but this tip is surely a must!